Since 1916, we’ve been inspiring New Yorkers, helping families get strong and stay close, and leading bold charges for change.

"I aim to partner with our community stakeholders to eliminate barriers to student's learning, while helping to create a safe and productive environment where students can excel.
My mission is to nurture and amplify inherent strengths; the unique, special qualities and talents in those that I work with."
- Candace Crawford, Community Schools Director

Our commitment to the students of New York City fuels our passion every day. Grand Street Settlement’s Community Schools help break down barriers to education by providing youth with wrap around services that help them succeed in their educational, emotional, and personal lives. At P.S. 297 this takes the following forms:
· Bi-Weekly Food Pantry
· Coordinating in-school vision screenings
· Coordinating in-school dental screenings
· Academic support/tutoring
· Community resources, workshops, and events benefitting students and parents
· Mental Health Services and referrals
For more questions or information, contact the Grand Street team:
Candace Crawford - Community Schools Director
· (718) 388- 4581 · ccrawford@grandsettlement.org
Juan Lopez - Attendance Coordinator & Outreach Worker
· (718) 388- 4581